Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Week in Photos

This week's theme is "Egypt"... since the photos are not telling enough.

Do I need to say what these are?

A woman with stuff on her head. She is also carrying a bag on her head.

I was pretty fortunate to see an Egyptian man in a white robe, with a camel, sitting in front of the Great Pyramid. Of course this was just a wax statue.

We paid a few Egyptians Pounds to a guide, who then bribed a guard, who then let us into this new excavation. Inside the excavation we saw Egyptian stuff.

A silhouette of one of the hundreds of mosques.

Cairo at night.

Cairo at day.

It really is amazing to see these structures that were built in honor of dead kings. The engineering and manpower that went into these clearly make them worthy of being wonders of the ancient world.

Can you get a more cliche' photo of Egypt? The answer is yes, but I am not going to post the photo of my family doing the Egyptian dance with these in the background.


Anonymous said...

Come on! Show us the picture of the Egytian dance!

patricia said...

Maybe Melissa will photoshop the family doing the dance.

Unknown said...

Erica and Patricia -- just look at my facebook site and you will find two pretty good shameless tourist photos there. :) And Erica when you come you can watch the video of it!

Ryan said...

Erica- I can't show the photo because we were only wearing "loin cloths".

Patricia- Who needs photoshop? If we just swallow our pride we can have some great cliche photos.