Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Week in Photos

This week we give you the obvious theme of snow in Jerusalem. This is the view of the Temple Mount from Mount of Olives.

This is a fountain in the park at Yemin Moshe between the Old City and our house. In about a month we will see kids swimming in this fountain once again.

The 8 inches of snow that fell over two days cancelled almost everything in the city but these two "Yeshiva" students still made their way to class.

Not too many made it out to pray during the heavy snowfall but God can hear us in our houses.

I found these Jewish kids on the rooftops of the old city building forts for their snowball fights. These are the "fences" and the types of wars that are fun to see here in the Middle East.

One lone person making the walk to work.

This Arab man was holding a little surprise for the Army soldiers. The soldiers were getting hit with snowballs from all directions but handled themselves well. I guess the snow was a nice change from rocks.

This is outside the Damascus Gate. This is usually a bustling outdoor market leading into the Muslim Quarter of the city.

This is a photo of Hinnom Valley (otherwise known as Gehenna). It was a cold day in Gehenna!

It was a perfect day to stop by "The Coffee Shop" on the way home. I actually skipped the coffee and stopped by the falafel stand next door. It was equally as warming as the coffee.

Now I am ready for Spring.

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