Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Keep Kicking Rocks

Last week Sara shared some of her experiences and impressions of life here in Israel. She talked of the difficulties for an American Christian to fit and be accepted into daily life. Even our boys have struggled, as the kids on the playground next to our house seemed to only play with other Jewish boys leaving the “Pagans” to play alone. At one point one of my sons told me he wanted to buy a “Kippah” or “Yarmulke” and wear it to the park so that he would be allowed to play soccer. It is a heart-breaking thing for a parent to watch his kids struggle with acceptance but somehow I know that these experiences are invaluable to developing their lives. I wish I could take his place and protect him from these lessons but we “only possess what we experience”.
As the week went on Sara told me about something her grandfather used to say to his kids (Sara’s mom). Because they moved around a lot he used to tell them, “keep kicking rocks and eventually the other kids will join in”. So, Sara and the boys “kept kicking rocks” and they kept pursuing conversations with the same people who were rejecting them. Now, after one week, the others have joined in “kicking rocks”. In fact, the one who seemed the most obvious in her rejection actually took the boys to the park for a while yesterday and offered help whenever we might need it.
This is a major answer to prayer and a testament to the importance of persistent love and grace in the face of opposition. What Sara and the boys were able to accomplish in one week of breaking down walls proclaims the message of the Risen Jesus. It reminds us of the incredible acceptance that Jesus gave to others around Him and how compelling that acceptance is. This doesn’t mean that all is now easy and perfect, but it does mean that on some levels things are a bit easier. I have the opportunity of studying and working in my “bubble” called Hebrew University, but I think Sara and the boys are learning as much if not more than I will learn this year. Their attitudes and willingness to succeed impress me. I am grateful for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you truly do have a wonderful, wife and children! I love it ... keep kicking rocks. I am thankful that prayer is being anwered. I am glad that it is sooner than later.
Perseverance, love and grace ... don't we all need more of that. Another example .... Thank you....keep kicking rocks!!
